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This type of heating often feels like the warmth of the sun, because radiant heat warms via heat radiation. This allows people to feel warm even when the ambient (air) temperature in the room is actually cooler. 

Hot Water (Hydronic) or Electric ? how to choose...
Hot Water

Hot water is pumped through plastic tubing laid out in a serpentine pattern. They’re ideal for whole-house heating, but it is suggested to install during the home’s construction because they can be difficult to retrofit. The upfront cost of a hydronic floor-heating system is typically higher as it requires a boiler, a pump and gas lines. However, the cost of operation is generally lower when the square footage is greater (i.e. when heating multiple rooms or an entire house). 



Electric heating elements are woven in a serpentine pattern to heat the floor. They’re known for being easy to install and ideal for remodeling projects. They also heat up in 30-60 minutes, so homeowners can turn them on and off as needed to keep costs down. These are commonly installed in bathrooms, kitchens, and bedrooms but can also be used to provide extra warmth for hard to heat rooms like the basement. 

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